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Industrial Heritage Photography of Haiko Hebig

August 28, 2007 9:22am

Love the new site Boing Boing!

Those pics are incredible.
That's the kind of stuff I'd love to stumble across some time.

LEGO Battleship Yamato by Jun Brick

November 16, 2007 3:56am

Beautiful work in LEGO.

Now do the Star Blazers one!

Food company's annual report needs to be baked before reading

November 16, 2007 1:42am

-and if you only half-bake it it comes out looking like [INSERT WACKY WRITER HERE]!

Leatherman Skeletool: Lightest Full-Sized Multi-Tool

September 6, 2007 3:37pm

I swear by my Leatherman Sideclip.
30 year warranty, people.

If this has a clip I'm SO in.

Glowstick Cutlery

October 15, 2007 8:56am


What page of the Ikea catalog are they found?

"Take Out" Chest-of-Cases Concept by Klaus Aalto

August 30, 2007 10:53am



{Not until you put away diversion module three!)


Spicy food as anesthetic

October 4, 2007 3:53am

I do likes me some hot pepper action once in a while.
It generally does make me feel better! :D

Ratchet Corkscrew

November 16, 2007 7:45am

Hey, "oily to bed..."

LEGO TV Coming to Comcast for the Holidays

November 21, 2007 5:22am

Please please PLEASE don't jump that shark, LEGO!

Chewbacca Backback

November 16, 2007 8:14am

Woka Woka Woka!

Artist will send 300 meter banana 50km above the earth

September 11, 2007 11:50am

This should coincide nicely with my own "big giant bowl of cereal" art project.

Now if I can only find someone doing a "big giant knife" art project, we'd have breakfast!!

Woman dies in security custody at airport

September 30, 2007 9:23am

Where have you gone, TV's Quincy?
Our nation turns it lonely eyes to you.

New Blade Runner: OMG Deckard is a [REDACTED]

September 30, 2007 9:02am

This is gonna be GOOD.

Pratchett's Discworld: a reading-order guide

September 30, 2007 2:59am

Well now, it looks like I might have my next big reading project lined up for me!

I've wondered where all this started AND where to begin, and I'll take the print order road, if I can.

I'm taking a second run through the "Dark Tower" series at the moment, and would like to take on something new when I'm done.

Great article!

Safe Design in the Toy Industry

October 8, 2007 10:21am

I started tinkering with electronics at an early age, I'm surprised they still let kids expose themselves to risk by sticking a wire in a spring terminal!
God forbid we learn anything.

Wear your goggles!
and your gloves
and your glove and goggle protectors

Burning Man Art Car for Bilking Moisture Farmers

September 7, 2007 5:15am

What kind of junk are you trying to push on us?

-what about that blue one??

Brian Dettmer's "Book Autopsies" -- sliced book sculptures

September 19, 2007 12:56am

No, he only cuts out the spaces where words aren't.

You know, to keep you from reading between the lines! :\

Aaron Adding Machines: Anachrofantastic

October 1, 2007 8:52am

-and not one mention of "steampunk".


Ecko's Boba Fett hoodie

October 1, 2007 3:13am

Boba Fett?


Vodka fan nearly kills self by glugging 2l rather than surrendering it at airport

December 14, 2007 4:52am

-might have been some swilling in there too, but I''m no expert textpert, just a choking smoker.

Don't you think the joker laughs at you?

Chicago's fake vomit industralists

December 14, 2007 1:39am

My brother studied to be a vomitologist, but they threw him up, er out.

You just can't keep him down.

Clouds that look like UFOs

September 14, 2007 6:43pm

Yeah...clouds, sure.m ;)

Absens Concealed Faucets

October 22, 2007 11:43am

Opulence like this makes me nervous and edgy.

What the Fuck is Steampunk?

September 12, 2007 10:03am

"antiquate-it-yourself faux retro-futurism" ain't too shabby, though it does tongue trippingly from the falls.

SplashTop Instant-On Web Browsing and Skype

October 8, 2007 1:06pm

Maybe they'll change stuff in the next version or something.

Hope springs eternal.

Brian Dettmer's "Book Autopsies" -- sliced book sculptures

September 19, 2007 12:56am

Incredible work!

It looks like a little license is taken here and there with positioning of some of the images to make them overlap, but the effect is just great.

Done in this way, the illustrations, photos, even written passages in the books tell more visually than if one were to simply flip through and look at them.

I really like this, well done!

Now I'd like to see the effect on some other works like Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" series, or other better-known works.

Heck, it's the kind of thing I'd almost like to try myself, given the time and a really really good X-acto knife set!

Team Fortress 2 "Meet the *" Trailers

September 12, 2007 6:01am

THAT looks pretty cool.

LEGO: Post-Apocalyptic Mutant Cityscape by Legohaulic

September 12, 2007 6:33am

Every once in a while I'll drag out my set, or re-install LEGO Creator on my PC to fiddle around.

THIS, however is in-credible.

Indiana Jones LEGO Boxes Leaked

September 15, 2007 10:35am

Fortune and glory kid,
fortune and glory...

French art from 1910 depicting the year 2000

September 12, 2007 4:05am

That picture DOES accurately predict some jackass talking on his phone during the picture show.

Official LEGO Jack O' Lantern Kit

October 5, 2007 2:39pm

I've come very close to ordering one about three times already.

Hard to justify at 41. :\

1930 Windshield Candle

September 11, 2007 5:40am

He's heading towards-The FUTURE!

Full-back gamer tattoo

October 4, 2007 3:58am

It is better than their first choice:

"Let's Fighting Love"

1955 Huffy Radio Bike

October 4, 2007 7:37am

Wow. What a lucky kid!

Imagine pedaling down to the pond for some fishing while you listen to Fibber McGee and Molly or a Baseball game? -or SUPERMAN???

Gosh, it's like living on the future or somethin'.

Great stuff, BBG.
(If I may call you that.)

"Alu" Snow Sled with Shock Absorber

November 27, 2007 8:28am

I still bear scars from those vectors, Hector...

Not Bear scars, but it was still pretty hairy, and my insurance didn't have clause for that.

Simple Kit Turns iPod Nano Packaging into Speakers

November 27, 2007 8:47am

Can an iPod Nano actually drive speakers on it's own?

This company should also make an Altoids tin lid replacement for the DIY amp builders out there, but I'd rather see some microdrivers in there as opposed to these tiny tinny speakers.

Now, Pigantics

November 27, 2007 6:41am

The wings attach there.

Morning Tech Deals Highlights

November 20, 2007 5:26am

I work in a store.
It's "interesting" for us too. ;)

Profitable, but interesting.

Hands-Free Binocular Glasses

September 20, 2007 9:21am


Don't wear 'em on a boat!

Dalek cookie kit

October 17, 2007 10:22pm

I currently hold the rights to Davros-branded eyewear but man who doesn't like cookies?

And Dalek cookies no less!

Hmm hard to work a Dalekism into this one, lemme see...

Ingredients...blah blah blah ahh, here we go -Calcium PROPIONATE PROPIONATE!

WSJ on space elevators

September 1, 2007 11:27am

Wow, Anonymous is it?

If you were shooting for coming off like an asshole I think you pretty much nailed it right there.

Physics is for everybody, and for everybody to understand in their own way.

"Ghetto Astro-Jax toy" indeed.

Forget about that whole bargain-basement "getting hit on the head with an apple" thing then.

That guy must have shit for brains, right?
Fruit, how very low brow of him.

I don't think I'd want to be associated with your comment either.

QUIDs: Loose Change for Zero-G Pockets

October 5, 2007 2:13pm

I'll wager 20 Quatloons on the newcomer...

WSJ on space elevators

September 1, 2007 11:27am

I'll also agree that it will be strong.

Maasai Hands-Free Earpiece

September 2, 2007 8:16am

I don't have the heart to tell him it's a non-functional demonstrator model.

The real one is twice as small.

New Ubuntu Linux release is easy, sexy

October 17, 2007 9:58pm

I'm always surprised at the passion an OS discussion seems to bring with it.

I'm an XP user, but I dipped a toe into Ubuntu with a little box I threw together for just such tinkering.
I'm not a programmer, but I tinker with lots of stuff, PCs included.

(I came up in the DOS days but brother that terminal ain't no DOS!!)

It really is like learning a brand new language if you've used something else for years and years.
Different people are going to deal with that differently.

The way I see it, if it keeps older machines useful for folks when they would have otherwise gone useless then it's a VERY good thing.
Choices are good in any respect.

I myself went back to WinXP simply because it's what I've been using for years, it's comfortable for me and my hardware, and most importantly I own a couple of copies of it.

If you don't own an OS Ubuntu is a damned sight better than nothing at all.
Actually it deserves more respect than that because for a fair-to-middlin' user with at least fair-to-middlin' hardware it's an awesome choice.

Morning Tech Deals Highlights

November 1, 2007 5:58am

Hey who doesn't like an nvidia-based 128MB PCI video card for about 7 bucks? I went for it!

It could probably handle older games like Enemy Territory no problem.

Newer games like Enemy Territory QUAKE Wars, however...not so much. :D

Thanks, BBG!

Dalek-Human hybrid fright mask

October 11, 2007 2:12am

LOVE the new Doctor Who!

Must get this! Must figure out uses!

Uh oh, that pic was taken with an older, cheaper digital camera!


Software Turns Cameraphones into PC Webcams

November 26, 2007 8:22am

Might be neat to attach to an RC car, as long as it doesn't wreck and wreck your phone.

-or go off out of BT range.

Electric Hello Kitty Toilet Paper Dispenser

November 26, 2007 7:08am

It's a running gag, and an Aliens reference.

Set undies for "unbunch"

Daihatsu Mudmaster-C Concept Kei Van

October 10, 2007 12:56pm

The hard part is finding enough room behind it to pull it back prior to letting it go!

Very very cool.

Flippin' Nice: Tag Heuer Monaco 69 Watch

September 10, 2007 8:39am

Not a bad looker, but still, a watch in this day and age is more of a fashion statement unless it's critical for something you do.

Then you have an excuse to "watch out". :)

Glowstick Cutlery

October 15, 2007 8:56am

I won't trance.

Don't ask me.

Ditching MS Word for Text Editors

September 3, 2007 4:26am

What about the many freeware options for word processing?

The .doc file is so common that I would think it nearly impossible to get away from it entirely.

Lonely MacGyver: Make a "Fleshlight" from a Potato Chips Tube

September 3, 2007 5:00am

BAD recycling, BAD!

What a larf!
I'm loving this new site, Boing Boing!

Streamlined Gadgets and Vehicles

November 8, 2007 5:41am

Beauty from a more...civilized age.

$200 Everex Wal-Mart PC Reviewed (Verdict: Worth $200!)

November 7, 2007 7:00am

@monopole: Exactly!

For a basic machine you could do much worse, and that gOS might be able to roll with worse from what I've seen.

Accounts of trying to gets bats out of house

October 3, 2007 10:32am

Vee haff ways of dealing mit bats!

Video: Proto-Cookie Monster Eats a Gadget

October 3, 2007 10:27am

I haven't seen that in YEARS!

Wasn't it on Saturday Night Live or something?

Stiletto TiBone Solid Titanium Hammer

October 9, 2007 1:43pm

It would complement my Titanium wedding ring...

Replica AirWolf Helmet with Working "Speed Visor"

October 10, 2007 6:59am

Those tiny cases from Pelican are awesome in their own right as well.

All the Beatles' UK albums sped up 800% into a 1 hour MP3

October 9, 2007 6:28pm

Turn me on, dead man.

Skull-watch of Mary Queen of Scots

October 24, 2007 10:43pm

What's this about the Maori memo?

Sad Vader

October 2, 2007 5:05pm

Based on the pic, they are probably pissed off at still having a GBA-SP!

Poor kid.

Cup Nude Makes One Hungry for Anything But Noodles

October 2, 2007 11:21am

Nude cup conspiracy?

ShenZhou-VII: Rocket-Shaped Mobile Phone

September 4, 2007 4:52am

The problem is I think I would like it MORE as a simple useless item to look at!

I don't think I'd like using it as a phone.

Victorian Wrist-Horn

September 4, 2007 7:29am


Moaning Lisa Teaches Proper Foreplay

October 8, 2007 5:41am

Won't someone think of the ADULTS??

Lights Out: "turn your electricity off" event photos

October 21, 2007 9:08am

CF bulbs are the bees knees.

When I compare the energy usage it's incredible.

Pie that looks like George W wins contest with no votes

November 23, 2007 9:56am

I wonder if it tasted inept though?

Hope not.

Wooden Radio from Scrap Ebony

November 23, 2007 6:10am

That's beautiful!

Gimme that over a Tivoli any old day.

Lovely LEGO Silhouette Advertisements

September 25, 2007 12:20pm


As an adult it took a second to downshift, but it was well worth it.

Thanks. :)

National "Make Sure Your Friends and Family Are Actually Watching HD Content on Their HDTVs Week" Starts Today (Because I Say So)

September 25, 2007 11:32am

Oh, my mom is certainly getting HD. :(

I'm not, but her setup is enviable, at least by me. :D

Guy uploads pix of self from stolen iMac

September 24, 2007 11:52am

Fools always get exactly what's coming to them.

SplashTop Instant-On Web Browsing and Skype

October 8, 2007 1:06pm

Well I don't know if I'd call it slimy.
That seems a little harsh.

I didn't originally think of the "quick on to check e-mail" thing, more the "the system is new/gone to crap and I need drivers or updates" thing.
(Sorry I've been tinkering lately)

I would call this a great start actually.

Yes, by all means let's put a full OS (like Ubuntu!) on some flash memory and use HDs for storage of settings and other-than-core apps. THAT seems like a great idea to me.

I recently set up a machine to tinker with Ubuntu, so it's the example I'm using.

Great stuff overall and a great post!

Boy arrested for Anarchist Cookbook

October 8, 2007 1:20pm

He's a witch, BURN HIM!!

AMPCO 7920: The $900 Sledge Hammer

October 26, 2007 5:21am


Official LEGO Star Wars AT-AT Walker

September 21, 2007 12:42pm

I've thought of LEGOS and Star Wars together since long before the fist set.

As a kid I made my own LEGO X-Wing fighter with folding S-Foils!

This thing is just awesome.

Design & Comfort's Updated Murphy Bed with Shelf

October 8, 2007 6:16am

Oh man we have a spare bedroom that is screaming for something like this.

It would allow us to use it for other stuff, but I'm having trouble bringing the wife around to the idea.

Thanks for the timely story and PICS! :D

Moaning Lisa Teaches Proper Foreplay

October 8, 2007 5:41am

Let me ask my wife if she has a quarter...

One laptop per prostate massage

October 7, 2007 8:30pm

You know after a good workout it...oh, PROSTATE.

Never mind.


October 7, 2007 7:38pm

Ack, the fumes from all this evaporating self respect are choking me.

HOWTO make a robotic ElmoSapien chimera

October 1, 2007 3:28am


Dalek cufflinks

October 1, 2007 3:24am


Okay I gotta work on that one, I'll get back to you.

Please accept a reference to Davros-branded eyewear in lieu of something better.

Pirate Scope Spyglass

December 11, 2007 10:16am

You ate a nickel, and were able to throw in your two cents, so to me it looks like you're still 3 pennies ahead of the game!

I'll drink to that.

Taito's Japan-Only Paddle Controller for Nintendo DS

September 21, 2007 11:26am

Nice that folks can use these posts to vent.

Hope you feel better.

Simpsons film references - frame-by-frame comparisons

September 23, 2007 11:55pm

Great stuff to wake up to!

Sorry to be "that guy" but Family Guy did what I thought was a great Star Wars episode last night as well.

Myth of psychotic cat artist busted

September 26, 2007 6:38pm

I was blessed enough to grow up with the Life Science Library.
I'm pretty sure my nephew has them at the moment.

What a blast from the past. -and I do remember the thing with the cats and how it was supposed to have shown his mental deterioration!

"Time" is also a very good book from that series, although "Drugs" disappeared during the 70s at some point. (Two older brothers, cough cough)

Myth of psychotic cat artist busted

September 26, 2007 6:38pm

We have an accusation of grandfaloonery!



Giraffe-fight! video

September 27, 2007 3:09am

I guess they have to work things out between themselves SOMEHOW.

You do generally think of these creatures as being kinda nice, but then again Hippos look like they'd be cool to hang out with too. -go figure.

Surrounded by Bad, Broken Gadgets

September 26, 2007 8:32am

I tend to churn through techno-stuff on a couple of levels, either recycling older broken stuff or trading or selling the stuff of value I don't want anymore.

A Few Minor Updates

September 6, 2007 6:55am

Loving the new site, keep up the good work!

Flying Witch Arcade Game Prototype with Broom

September 20, 2007 7:01am

If you've never played "Tuna Hero" then you shouldn't be dissing it.

Wall Street Journal editor's ordeal with Kmart security

September 19, 2007 9:49pm

She got caught being stupid and should deal with it one way or the other.

If she can take it upon herself to open a couple of boxes next to each other, then she can take it upon herself to put the items back properly.

She's an adult, and should understand how things are nowadays, what with working for a newspaper and all.

That's if she merely made a mistake.

If she was truly ripping off the store then I'd say she wasn't humiliated ENOUGH, and should be made to go back for further humiliation.

Perhaps being made to stand in some kind of large, wooden restraint while shoppers taunt and stare.

Sorry, I'm old fashioned.

DHS pondering Russian "mind control" "science" to fight terrorism

September 20, 2007 2:40am

Then they'll let 'em advertise there too.

"Subject falls below the threshold for a terrorist, but they ARE highly suggestible to KFC and Pepsi!"

"Log that."

Roddler Custom Strollers

September 19, 2007 10:08am

I'm going totally retro and dragging my kid behind me on a rig made of pine boughs and deergut.

It's good enough for 'em.

Video of Devo on SNL in 1978

September 23, 2007 7:20am

I remember watching that broadcast as a kid also!

Wow. They were so ahead of their time.

Official LEGO Star Wars AT-AT Walker

September 21, 2007 12:42pm

I think my main problem is that I'd really like to have TWO of 'em.

One to build and leave stock, and another to make my own walker creations with!

Yes, the more I look at it the more I like it.

Cereal Killers -- forthcoming book of spooky funny cereal box art

October 16, 2007 10:32pm

Wacky Packs were the BEST! :D

Yamaha's Player Pianos Get New Songs Over the Net

October 16, 2007 10:19am

Our feature movie, "Wet Silence" will not be seen tonight so that we can bring you this special presentation...

DivX's Cheap Set-Top Streamer

October 16, 2007 8:16am

I'll be looking on with keen interest!

Personalized "My Sharpie" Markers

November 26, 2007 12:11pm

"Personalized Shar-Peis? NOW you're talking."

You can use the pens for that too!

ABC reporter files from inside Burma via cellphone

September 29, 2007 11:40am

Probably saved his life by taking the camera away.

I hope to [insert higher power here] that it never happens here.

Magnum, P.I. on European Mobile Phones

November 27, 2007 4:09am

Duck Magnum, DUCK!

Scroogled in the Wall Street Journal

September 25, 2007 10:28pm

I never bought into the Google philosophy with just these concerns in mind.

Morning Tech Deals Highlights

September 26, 2007 5:09am

That's "SDHC" for that memory card.

No foul, it's early. :)

Blowing Out the Dust: Afternoon Edition

September 25, 2007 2:23pm

If you paid money for something you...oh, never mind.
Wrong argument at the wrong time.

I'm old school like that.
I buy CDs and rip 'em.

Stephen Hawking LEGO

September 7, 2007 5:45am

Surprising amount of detail for a LEGO creation.

Now do an Einstein one!

World's *ist: GeStream Tech's 5.9-Inch Bipedal Robot

September 11, 2007 6:46am

That's one table-humping robot.

Video: One Lucky Halo Grenade

October 5, 2007 8:22am

Hey man nice shot!

Erector Spykee: Kit Spy Robot

September 11, 2007 7:56am

I love stuff like this.

Dueling Telepresence Bots: Erector Spykee and iRobot ConnectR

September 28, 2007 10:49am

I like Spykee myself.

Electric knife and watermelon

December 11, 2007 12:13pm

Oooh, I see now.


'30s Wrist Ice Box Ahead of Its Time

September 25, 2007 5:33am


We have wrist ice boxes HALF that size now.

Cane with a Pull-Out Map of Boston

September 18, 2007 7:25am

He was Able.

The Man-from-Mars Radio Hat (1949)

December 11, 2007 10:55am

The X-Ray specs interfere with reception.

Venomous cobra retained to patrol ugly expensive shoes at Harrods

September 11, 2007 4:20am

Sources say that the snake had a vested interest in this duty, as several pairs of the expensive footwear were made from close relatives.

Upon completion of this important task, the cobra quickly joined the ranks of those it had guarded, although it is rumored by those close to the situation that they will be 10% off in a coming sale next week.

MacDaddy's Million Dollar Fishing Lure

September 25, 2007 5:17am

Heedless excess.

1930 Windshield Candle

September 11, 2007 5:40am

Not for application whilst refilling one's automobile with petroleum distillate!

Furries vs Klingons bowling tournament this Sat in Atlanta

September 25, 2007 2:00am

That is so completely bizarre that I can't help but be completely delighted by it!

Go Klingons! KA-PLA!

Review: Fuji FinePix F50 SE is a sweet li'l point 'n' shoot

September 17, 2007 11:23am

Now that they aren't locked into XD card format anymore I might give one a try.

That one thing was really my main issue with them.
I never liked XD.

Comic-geek fuel-tank door decals from Japan

September 17, 2007 11:07pm

Gas door stickers...

Is this going to lead to wildly pimped-out gas doors with like a ton of fiberglass and neon and stuff?

'cause that would be cool.

CrustaStun: Restaurant-Grade Crustacean Electrocuter

September 27, 2007 6:07am

They didn't wet the sponge!

They didn't wet the sponge!!!

Robotech, Voltron Movies on the Way

September 8, 2007 9:27am

I eagerly await "Gobots VS the Cavity Creeps".

Armed Robots on the Streets of Iraq

September 10, 2007 7:40am

Tele-operated units seem much more likely, with some AI-assist perhaps.

I took a stab at building my own wheeled ROV a few years ago with some success.
(It was all about robot wars back then, but I wanted an outdoor-capable rover.)
It's in mothballs presently.

Controlling everything manually is stressful.

Video: Fantastic Hearing Aid Packaging from Widex

September 10, 2007 9:01am

What, they couldn't make it SAY that when the box is being opened?

Now THAT would be something!

(something hideously wasteful, but something)

"Cloaca" Art Installation Produces Own Criticism

September 10, 2007 10:07am


I guess this could be useful in all those shit-starved locations across the globe...?

Woman jailed for serving salty burger to police officer

September 10, 2007 10:19am

Good thing they didn't mention the dirty knife...

Video: Fantastic Hearing Aid Packaging from Widex

September 10, 2007 9:01am

They don't put products for the blind in plain boxes, do they?

They could use it as a way to get the recipient to put the thing on and learn to use it. You know, to learn what it was the stupid box was trying to say!

I dunno.

NRG Phoenix Fury: Caffeinated Potato Chips

September 10, 2007 7:57am

I think fury would taste more like biting into a Habenero pepper stuffed with rock salt, but that's just me.

Anti-ripoff megapost from The Consumerist

October 29, 2007 11:24pm

Good info.

I'm currently pursuing a Lemon Law claim and am gratified that I've handled everything well thus far.

I bookmarked this too.

Mole man evicted from underground burrow

November 26, 2007 2:38pm

What gave it away was the strange markings on what appeared to be a round door painted green with a large brass knob in the center.

Locals had also reported an increase in Dwarf traffic and several Wizard sightings, but still contend that the darkness over the nearby mountains is just a passing weather phenomena.

Personalized "My Sharpie" Markers

November 26, 2007 12:11pm

couldn't I just write my name on my own Sharpie using another Sharpie?

Tomy Heli-Q Mini R/C Helicopter

October 25, 2007 3:59am

They'll be poopy of course, but great fun for about 15 minutes or the second charge gives out.

Electric Hello Kitty Toilet Paper Dispenser

November 26, 2007 7:08am

Nuke 'em from orbit.

It's the only way to be sure.

Derelict bank-vault photos

October 24, 2007 10:32pm

Yes, it's the combination of brute force and intricate clockwork that does it for me.

So strong, and yet balanced and...intricate.

Videos of Ramana's levitations

October 24, 2007 4:16pm

Give him a buck and let's go get lunch already.

HOWTO Make a killer werewolf costume

October 24, 2007 10:54pm

The Vampire and the Werewolf should be friends!

I had this realization after watching "Oklahoma" and "Underworld" back to back.

I'm gonna go lie down for a while.

Skull-watch of Mary Queen of Scots

October 24, 2007 10:43pm

Next time you're wondering what to give The Reaper this holiday season...

Black & Decker Auto Wrench

October 24, 2007 6:49am

So what are "Dykes"??

Don't answer that.

Papercraft skull with moving jaw

October 24, 2007 11:45pm

I don't know why, but I find these various skulls to be quite entertaining!

When you look at the collection it's VERY creative.
Cool project!

iShoes: Electric Roller Skates

October 24, 2007 8:52am

Putting that drive train right out where it can eat everything will prove to be difficult maintenance in the future.

Jebus, I'm treating them like they'd be someone's daily driver(s).

(sounds of scribbling)

Ramis, Murray, and Aykroyd Back for Ghostbusters Videogame

November 14, 2007 3:12pm

Who else were they gonna call?

Driver threatens slow police officer

October 29, 2007 8:50am


Excuse me.
I have a lunch order to take back...

Hose-Powered Magnetic CD Turbine with Sawblade

October 29, 2007 6:46am


What's it do?

King Corn/Count Smokula

October 22, 2007 4:00am

I try to avoid high fructose corn syrup also.

It's evil, pure and simple.

Pretenders to the "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!" throne

November 19, 2007 12:09pm

I'm also a fan of "Stop Me If You've Heard This One, But I'm Fairly Certain That This Is A Butter Substitute"
and also
"I Don't Know If You've Noticed, But This Isn't Butter"
I tend to stay away from "This Ain't Butter" as they're just phoning it in and I don't trust 'em.

Cheapo SpongeBob Camera

October 22, 2007 5:19am

I guess it's better than the Crimson King's Eye Camera from The Dark Tower.

Woe Discordia!

Man placed on sex offenders register for sex with bike

October 29, 2007 12:12pm

I'm sure she's sorry she spoke up.
Was it a major chain of hotels?

Either way, dems da brakes!

Case Mod: Soviet-Era Wooden TV

November 13, 2007 1:21am


That's beautiful, and very tastefully done!
The case looks like it was very well taken care of too, so it's a ten in my book.

The Coming Iridescence

October 30, 2007 6:37am

They fix that WiFi and I might just get one, Mr. Johnson.
I have some pre-defined technical and philosophical boundaries there I can assure you.
The killer firmware upgrades made them go up a notch or two with me though.

With all due respect however, you can't blame people for mistrusting and disliking Microsoft.
If you chose an unpopular team with poor marketing (among other things) you just have to live with any criticisms.
That's just the way it is.

Microsoft isn't some fem fatale who's been swept up into circumstances they didn't create for themselves!

I personally like Sandisk's products, but I don't give a floating crap about what people say about them. Opinions are like...well, you know.
(Mine included by all means!) ;)

As for the iridescence, it's cool.
I hope we see it on lots more stuff because that's what the future is supposed to look like kinda, isn't it?

Xbox 360 Plushie

October 23, 2007 7:54am

Did they knit a towel to throw over it to...oh, never mind.

Nice work!

Animated Hitch Critters

November 30, 2007 7:37am

They couldn't just leave well enough alone with the propellers...

How things would be different on Earth without the Moon

October 30, 2007 11:48am

I know "The Honeymooners" wouldn't be quite the same...

Todd Oldham Quart Travel Bags Saucily Violate TSA Regulations

October 30, 2007 8:38am

I weep for our country and it's misplaced...everything.

Dishmaster Imperial Ad (1965)

October 30, 2007 7:18am

Does it get AM?

The Coming Iridescence

October 30, 2007 6:37am

@Joel Johnson: I see your point there.
MS can make some pretty nice hardware when they want to.

Bob Dylan Hallowe'en costumes

October 30, 2007 11:28pm

I'll keep it simple and just stay on the pavement thinking 'bout the government, thanks.

Talking CD Album Available Only 10 Years Too Late

October 30, 2007 11:30am

Safer in one respect, perhaps, but you won't get mugged for THIS.

$200 Everex Wal-Mart PC Reviewed (Verdict: Worth $200!)

November 7, 2007 7:00am

I just DLed the live disc for gOS and played with it a bit on an old Dell Optiplex GX240 of mine.

I would say the article is right on as far as the OS is concerned.

It looks like the all-in-one motherboard for that Wall Mort machine is available for about 65 dollars too.

I have to look into how much the ram will cost me, but I'm considering picking on up to replace a crappy old K7SEM all-in one board I have in a tinkering machine I built recently.

Neat stuff to be sure!
And for a tinkerer like myself it's cheaper than an ee!

"MC Mechanic" by Shane Willis

November 17, 2007 11:29am

I would really like to purchase a large print of this for my den.

Faces in Places: Humanizing Everything

October 26, 2007 4:27am

Now THAT is a collection of beautiful things! :D

Bit Cover for Drilling Through Carpet

November 6, 2007 9:55am

I also could have used this a while back.

Fresh-baked cookies used as torture implement

November 6, 2007 10:03pm

When cookies are banned, only criminals will have cookies. :(

Dry erase cheese board

October 27, 2007 12:05pm

That's nutty!

-with a decidedly dank overtone yet not without it's own charm.

Top Ten Off Switches

November 12, 2007 10:41am

Oooooh yeah, switchpron FTW baby!!!

I've always liked that jet-fighter flip-cover safety-type one myself.

-also teeny-tiny toggle switches, Cool as well.

I Love This Comment

November 11, 2007 8:02am

I think we have a call of recapitulation of phylogeny out there on the field...

...officials are heading onto the field now, and we're waiting for a call...

Musgrove, Despain, and Heshka at Roq la Rue Gallery

November 8, 2007 3:41pm

All of them are incredible, but I'm especially liking Despain's works.

I Love This Comment

November 11, 2007 8:02am

Excuse me, waiter, but there are covalent bonds in my chocolate milk...

Philatelic Keyboards

November 6, 2007 5:41am

Actually, selling a costly stamp means that philately could get you to Phila. lately.

-or on time.

HOWTO Make a Captain America shield out of a BBQ grill

December 22, 2007 3:51am

Pretending is fun.

Robert Williams's new web site

December 21, 2007 10:17pm

I haven't really seen "RW's" work before.

Wild stuff.
I like "The Hot Rod Race" for it's classic imagery and bright colors, but then I'm no hipster at 41.
(kinda tame compared to others)

The gallery I looked at was one picture after another that invited closer and closer scrutiny even while some of the subject matter was a little unsettling.
Each could spark an entire evening's worth of lively conversation all on their own.

For what it's worth, I appreciate that Boing Boing turned me on to it just as they turned me on to Brian Despain.

Thanks for the art, Boing Boing, and happy holidays!

Shoe amoire

December 23, 2007 1:21pm

I have one that looks like a bottle of cooking wine.

My sherry armoire?
Lovely as a summer's day!

Vlog: Pico-Z Havoc Battle Set, Troika AM/FM Radio

December 21, 2007 8:03am

I'm a sucker for a cool looking radio, and while the panel at first struck me as being too busy, it then made me wonder what the thing does.
It does have a certain retro appeal to it.

Sorry it didn't work out.

It's a bummer how many just plain crappy radios are out there nowadays, good looking or no.

Team Fortress 2 Griefers Implement Forced Trivia Game

December 24, 2007 6:26am

I can see this REALLY pissing people off, but you can always jump to a different server, right?

Baby trained to give evil eye

December 26, 2007 11:21am

-but I'm just talkin' 'bout Shaft!

Portal in LEGO

December 27, 2007 5:36am

Reminds me of "The Guardian of Forever"

"Time is as it was. Many such journeys are possible. Let ME be your gateway!"

Stephen Fry on Electric Toothbrushes

December 27, 2007 5:25am

I also enjoy my electrical toothbrusher, however I do not follow its commands.

ApplyYourself: in order to send a letter of reference to a university admissions committee, you have to sign our crazy EULA

December 26, 2007 11:25pm

What a great read.

I'm sorry about your troubles, but reading about them is quite entertaining.

I also would love to use that anti-EULA some time.

Unicorn chaser nativity scene

December 26, 2007 2:39pm

loo loo loo...

Demonic Dismembered Baby Head Theremins

January 2, 2008 5:18am

Sounds Hawaiian, doesn't it?

Chris Thompson's Time Lapse Intervalometer for SLR Cameras

January 2, 2008 5:39am

There's also the Webcam Timershot powertoy for WinXP if you want to use a PC/webcam, but I'm not sure if it's comparable.

How Circuit City Committed Suicide

December 30, 2007 4:22am

Don't get me started with Radio Shack.

They haven't had a clue since the TRS-80.

(And they blew that too.)

Music producers mixing for MP3

December 29, 2007 3:23am

@ BRAVO: Hear hear! (sorry)

It sure makes sense to me.

L'Equip R.P.M. Blender with Tachometer

January 2, 2008 4:17am

Will it...oh yeah it will.

TSA to punish fliers for facecrime

January 1, 2008 10:31pm

Terrorists FTW apparently.

They have us chasing our own tails to prevent an attack that happened seven years ago.

Fanimation Air Shadow Ceiling Fan with Retracting Blades

January 2, 2008 5:02am

I kinda dig stuff like this.

The problem is how it will hold up over time and how it's supposed to be dusted!

High-altitude paper airplane flight

January 2, 2008 9:22am

Wow that was great.

Somehow I still expected it to hit someone in the eye. (stupid programming)

I know I've always wanted to so something similar, but my idea revolved around lofting a large foam glider with a balloon.

A large foam glider from that window might be fun, but might also cause undue concern and or unintentional mayhem.

So be sure you record that too if ya do it.

Love Mattress Prototype by Mehdi Mojtabvi

January 3, 2008 7:05am

Have you seen the remote?

Virgin Mary on living room wall

January 3, 2008 9:01am

I don't know about you, but I'm worshiping Big Toe!

HE'LL tell us what to do!

Hot...Rock? Hot Rock!

January 3, 2008 5:23am

mmmm slashdot bitmap!

Fan-Made Indiana Jones Flying Wing LEGO; Swastikas on Toys

January 4, 2008 5:51am

-and where's the minifig that gets it from the prop?
What, no blood spatter stickers?

Let them IMAGINE the stupid swastikas.

Deals: Electric Kettle on Amazon for $12

January 4, 2008 1:05pm

So the guy was a pain in the ass, huh?
Sorry to read that.

Have some tea. :)

Belkin Mouse Works Submerged in Chili

January 4, 2008 5:28am

This'll go great with that pen I bought that can write under whipped cream!

(Thanks, Three Stooges)

Suburban family discovers hidden room filled with toxic mold and a taunting note

January 6, 2008 7:12am

Man that's terrible.

Yes, leaving a note was incredibly stupid.

Mickey burgers

January 6, 2008 12:01am

Mickey ate the ears off his own burger.

Cook's prerogative.

High-security UK mall breached, photos online!

January 5, 2008 11:56pm

Many Bothans died to bring us this information...

LL-142: Classic LEGO Space Tribute Ship by Peter Reid

January 3, 2008 5:35am

Now i want to find a couple of X-Pods!

Belt Buckle Knives

January 14, 2008 5:03am

Don't be treasonin' up on them knives boah.

Do Gadget Blogs Hurt the Environment?

January 11, 2008 10:12am

The timing of this article is interesting, as I'm moving into a point in my life where "cool stuff" isn't just stuff that SEEMS cool, but stuff that is actually cool and useful.

(Like the LCD Solitaire I picked up for less than 2 bucks that is actually PLAYABLE.)

I weed out the stuff that doesn't appeal and I jump on the stuff that does.

For instance, a while back, BBG posted about a 20 Dollar 128MB PCI video card that was free after a 20 Dollar rebate.
I just got the rebate check yesterday making the heavily used card a mere 6 Dollars after shipping.

Cool, cheap, useful -and CHEAP!!

I wouldn't have found that but for the post here.

What Do Cell Phone Reception Bars Mean?

January 13, 2008 6:18am

I thought cell phone reception bars are where the execs hang out when introducing the new models?

Computer mouse remade in stainless steel

January 13, 2008 8:40am

If Emperor Ming had a mouse, this might be it.

Bang bang, you're egg!

January 13, 2008 1:49pm

When breakfast is outlawed only outlaws will have breakfast.

Bang bang, you're egg!

January 13, 2008 1:49pm

Green eggs and BLAM!

I do not like them in my face
I do not like them any place

Bang bang, you're egg!

January 13, 2008 1:49pm

Shitting on humor is so in, isn't it?

Bang bang, you're egg!

January 13, 2008 1:49pm

@Sorcerer Mickey: Painful!


Why I'm Not at CES

January 7, 2008 3:29am

I'm experiencing a waning of my gadget lust as well, also possibly due to my advancing age (41) and a realization that most of it occupied me for a short time only to end up being sold at a loss, given, or thrown away over the years.

It's a new year and maybe time to rethink some of this shit.

"...a breath of fresh air." -agreed.

Krups BeerTender Bringing Nasty Draught Heineken to U.S. Kitchens

January 9, 2008 5:25am

Wow, it's like Beer DRM.

I'm a Yuengling drinker. Original Lager.

So shoot me.

Voltaic Generator Solar Briefcase Can Charge a Laptop

January 9, 2008 4:47am

That is a VERY nice case, but YOWCH that's expensive.
Between the panels and the batteries I understand, but it still puts it well outside the common man's reach. (If not his grasp.)

I agree with wanting the utility of a backpack, but that's a whole new nest of snakes from the design standpoint.
Perhaps flexible or textile technology will help eliminate the problems in the near future?

Blackbird Rider Acoustic Carbon Fiber Guitar

January 9, 2008 4:34am

LOL nice reference!

Nice looking instrument too.

SR-71 Blackbird by Lego Monster

January 9, 2008 5:53am

Does it leak little LEGO pieces until it gets up?

Billboard alterations by "The Decapitator"

January 9, 2008 10:09am

I thought it would be dumb, but I found it rather amusing.

F'Real Gas Station Milkshake Machine

January 9, 2008 7:07am

Sorry, but I was promised a future that was both amazing AND...bad.

HOWTO make edible googly eyes -- and an edible Flying Spaghetti Monster!

January 9, 2008 10:28pm

I know I should not eat thee...

MMMM Sacrelicious

TankChair More Powerful, Luxurious

January 10, 2008 9:15am

What's wrong with just wanting to play with the thing?

It's...SO COOL!

Morning Tech Deals Highlights

January 11, 2008 5:51am

Portal demo?

I just read about it on Wiki and fell in love with the song.
I was on the fence but this might kick me over if Steam doesn't piss me off somehow.


Nostalgia Break: Wing Commander Blueprint Scans

January 10, 2008 10:39am

You could pretend?

ATAX Survival Tool

January 10, 2008 11:43am

Oh man that's so cool.
I can't wait for civilization to fall now!

Morning Tech Deals Highlights

January 15, 2008 5:18am

Maaaan, if I hadn't JUST ordered a GPS to hack the crap out of I'd be all over that little motherboard.

I love these Morning Tech Deals.
Even if I've only actually had a use for and ordered a couple of them, it's ALWAYS cool to read about this stuff.

Maybe it's the coffee kicking in, but this site rocks folks.

Festa Del Cupertino

January 15, 2008 5:40am

I'd like to THANK you for not overdoing it like so many others do at this time.

I'm not a fan OR a user, but I'm open to different ways of doing things for different people, therefore I DO enjoy reading about Apple's latest.
(and hey, their stuff is pretty cool!)

It's when it's OVERDONE and EVERY piece of minutiae becomes a story is when I become annoyed and tune out.

So for what it's worth I say you're right on.

Morning Tech Deals Highlights

January 15, 2008 5:18am

It sure would.
Either under XP OR under Ubuntu using VLC Media player, although there are various other ways and means.

Portal Theme on 8080 Computer with C64 Sound and Assembler Source

January 18, 2008 5:56am

Who else was singing to this? (show of hands?)
Oh, so it WAS just me. :(

I'm impressed!
Not everyone can make that stuff go anymore.

I was running two monitors as far back as my 7Mhz Turbo XT, although it worked best on a small form factor 12Mhz 286 rig I had later.
I ran a CGA and later a VGA adapter right alongside a monochrome one, using a little DOS TSR to copy/paste BBS system info from lists to the monochrome monitor. It worked flawlessly, but I didn't do anything more with it than that.

Spoon management system at a hipster cafe

January 17, 2008 10:33pm

What time of day was the photo taken?

Even if they washed both cups in the morning the dirty one could oh never mind they aren't washing those cups, are they?

I try so hard to think the best of things.

Gallery of Homemade Bombs, Spy Gear, and Police Technology

January 21, 2008 7:16am

Good against remotes is one thing, but against the living?

I'd rather have a good blaster at my side.

Navigate Walt Disney World with a Nintendo DS

January 22, 2008 11:12am

Why would you bring a video game to the...oh yeah the LINES RIIIGHT!

My first thought would be to leave that stuff behind in the room or car, but I'm also the bored guy staring off into space in those lines too...

Oakley Medusa Head Thinger

January 22, 2008 10:07am

Suitable for podracing?

Solar-Powered Nintendo-Emulating MP4 Player (Go China!)

January 23, 2008 6:11am

As cool as that looks I've learned over time that simply having a device with the games on them doesn't make me magically want to play them again.

I ran through my NES,GB, and GBC games so many times that I don't really find myself wanting to do it again, although they do stay with me in spirit.
(I have the ROM images)

Maybe after a few more years or if the price drops significantly or something...

Solar-Powered Nintendo-Emulating MP4 Player (Go China!)

January 23, 2008 6:11am

@dculberson: Excellent point!

I forgot that there is a GB/GBC emulator that will run as a portable application under WinXP.

I've had it and my games on my 4GB flash drive for so long I completely forgot about them!

(So you see my point)

HOWTO build a cardboard spaceship

January 23, 2008 10:46am

I used to peg Womp Rats in one of these back home.

They had a size restriction back then of course...

Mushrooms in Helsinki

January 23, 2008 10:29pm

If I ever wanted an omelette, NOW'S this time!!

Area 51 has a new name

January 23, 2008 3:02pm

Don't waste your time.
They don't do real stuff there anymore.

If anything they're getting ready to make it a tourist attraction.

"Sift for shards of composite materials in the sand!"

Mushrooms in Helsinki

January 23, 2008 10:29pm

Christ man it's just a picture of some delicious mushrooms. What are we supposed to discuss?
The molecular structure of them?
Not that that wouldn't be interesting mind you, I'm simply not privy to that information.

OHHH you have an ongoing "thing" happening here!
Little ongoing bitchfest with the management eh?

Sorry, your comment didn't elicit enough thought above a certain level there, sorry.

Back to my turnips...

This Is Not My Beautiful Cup

January 24, 2008 8:12am

That's what you get for letting the days go by...

Modern Mechanix Round-Up

January 24, 2008 9:45am

It's got Van Allen belts for her detection!

ScrapeRite Plastic Razor Blades

January 28, 2008 5:40am

As well they should be.

Dirty hairy robot hippies!!

50 Years of LEGO: Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon Time-Lapse Video

January 28, 2008 1:35pm

Oh man that was GREAT!

-and look at how Lego brings together different Tech Blogs!
I'm sure Jesus's will be awesome too.

Thanks for bringing this to us!

"I Love My Electric Appliance!" Vintage Advertisements

January 31, 2008 8:52am

As well they should!

Look at all the extra time it leaves them for collecting S&H; Green Stamps, buying Tupperware and Betty Crocker cook books!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be smoking my pipe in the den.

Sony's Real Life Holographic Water Monster in Tokyo Bay

January 31, 2008 7:26am

Very very cool.

I'd love to see it personally.

Hen lays green eggs (no ham)

January 31, 2008 10:50am

I do not like them.

Peggy: Open source LED-based Mooninite kit

January 31, 2008 10:58pm

Use IR LEDs in this and it would make an awesome light source for night vision or low light cameras.

(Actually most video cameras can see into the IR a little bit. Try aiming your TV remote at your cell phone camera. See?) I love this stuff.

An IR array of this size could be useful.

Reader Asks: Where to Buy Anchor Rubber Bands?

February 1, 2008 4:38am

In the past I've found that rubber bands tend to dry rot and fail over a long period of time.

I've taken to re-purposing the pull-apart sheet of wire ties you get with boxes of bags.
They are easy to scrounge if you know where to ask for 'em. (anywhere that uses lots of plastic trash bags, as many people tend to tie up the bag itself if they can)

Tripod-wielding photographer mistaken for would-be gunman

February 9, 2008 5:27pm

Keep on making your smartass jokes about the reptilian overlords...

Col-Pop: Fast Food Drink Caddie for Snacks

February 5, 2008 5:09am

What a perfect time to be swearing of of "foods" like this.


Doll adoption warning notice

February 4, 2008 10:58am

-from the makers of Happy Fun Ball!

The DIY Tractors of Poland

February 1, 2008 5:58am

I was fortunate enough to attend the Kutztown Folk Festival in beautiful Kutztown, Pa. during all theat noise about the release of the iPhone. (retro relief)
I was delighted at the large display of small to medium-sized antique utility gasoline engines, many of them running examples of machines that were used by farmers over the years.

As cool as shiny machines are, and as much as I appreciate a well serviced up-to-date piece, there is something special about a (sometimes extremely) improvised machine that has then been made to work hard and continue to do so successfully over a long period of time.

Not only does it reflect the strengths of the machine itself, but also upon the person or people who have operated and maintained them over time.

Industrial archaeological chewiness abounds! :D

Fine news

February 3, 2008 5:02am

All the best on this happy occasion!

Misused churchyard sign

February 2, 2008 1:42am

Leaving out vowels is annoying.

Well, all except U.

F-U! (and sometimes Y!)

Coop's Japanese monster toy photos

February 3, 2008 7:48pm

I was going to say something snide about having the same seven or so figures repeated ad nauseum through the magic (?) of re-painting, but I've probably done worse myself in the past.

Hey I've even considered buying that big set of Star Wars Astromech Droid figures they sell and THAT'S just three or four of the same design simply re-painted, so there ya go!

I think we're all Bozos on this bus. :)

Coleman Camp Blender with Rechargeable Battery

February 4, 2008 8:51am

Isn't camping the perfect time for frozen drinks?

I think so.

Electronic Rosary

February 4, 2008 8:01am

I just carry a recording Fred Travalena doing his impression of Shatner at the end of "Trekkies" saying, "Your bible is a lie!".

Failed small jets in history

February 4, 2008 12:34pm

If you are near Dulles Airport check our the Ugvar_Hazy center out there.

It's one awesome Air and Space museum.

Tear-free onion engineered

February 6, 2008 8:59am

I hardly ever find torn onions so I don't know what the problem is.

Wiener poopie ransom note for Jesus

February 7, 2008 8:40am

Ha! Where's your savior NOW?

No, seriously.

Text-o-possum / Your Psycho Girlfriend

February 7, 2008 12:28am

Oh my god!

Funny stuff!

Hand-Cranked Spong Coffee Mill

February 7, 2008 8:59am

Yeah, see?
There's always a (nifty little) catch.

Wiener poopie ransom note for Jesus

February 7, 2008 8:40am

"It would be nice if there was some way to make media outlets face some consequences for all the mindless, trumped -up "human interest" crap all of the major news sources have been churning out in increasing quantities."

It's all many have _ever_ done.

Utilize different media outlets.

Interview: Bjarne P. Tveskov, Classic LEGO Space Designer

February 11, 2008 3:23am

Does he have any idea how many kids have been influenced by his work?
Even if the set is broken up and the pieces used for another project entirely the pieces are still there because of him so he still gets PARTIAL credit at least!

As one of those kids in his 40s all I can say is, "Thanks!"

2008 Plagiarius Award Winners Announced

February 11, 2008 9:50am

How much for that other one?

Worst food in America: Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing

February 11, 2008 11:42am

Just tried Outback last night with my wife for an early Valentine's Day celebration.
We both wanted to try it and they built one close by.
We did the Crap Dip for a starter and it was really quite good.
My steak was slightly over done but not sub-par.
Everything else was great down to the Chocolate Thunder and coffee.

Keep in mind that we don't go out to dinner EVERY NIGHT or even every month.

We only eat dinner out a few times a year, so who gives a shit how many calories our meal was?

Kinetic Steam Works: artifacts of clockwork modernity.

February 12, 2008 8:43am

2:06:02 "You smell like oil."

As always, enjoy the show.

Interview: Bjarne P. Tveskov, Classic LEGO Space Designer

February 11, 2008 3:23am

No Lego is for very very boring grownups.

Yoko sues seeks to block trademark of "Lennon" - **UPDATE**

February 12, 2008 4:56pm

Yoko Ono giving a crap will help her in the long run.
I say run with it, soak it up, use it, cash in and move on, because a 70-something Yoko is going to hold our attention for about as long as hey Family Guys is on...

Oscilloscope Hacks

February 13, 2008 7:07am

I love that stuff!
It's amazing what those things can do!

In the Future, All Toast Will Take 15 Minutes to Depress

February 15, 2008 3:15pm

When we were growing up we mom had a toaster that would detect when a piece of bread was dropped in and would lower it in and raise it slowly when it was done.

It was an extremely cool toaster and we all cried a little inside when it couldn't be repaired any more.

Good toast.
Good times!

Balloon Man visits a nursing home.

February 15, 2008 4:16pm

I've always held that balloons have something spiritual about them.

Good work.

Request: The Incredibly Bad Art of Motherboard Companies

February 16, 2008 11:03am

This story is way more entertaining than I originally thought it would be.

Great stuff folks!

Another success in Homeland Security's War on Babies

February 15, 2008 4:02pm

It sucks that so many people are fighting over the corpse of a dead child so they can hold it over their heads as a banner for their cause.

All I know is that this is a huge mess and I wish I could fix it.

This isn't the America I love. It's a monster.

No friends yet.